Lack of a unified consolidated reporting system
Complicated procedure for collecting and consolidating management data
Time-consuming budget planning process in Excel
Need for flexible management of the payment reconciliation process
The project focused on automating management accounting. It also created the basis for further efficient planning and allocation of the company's resources. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop a unified information base.
Management fact and KPI
A unified information database based on BAS was created. Automatic accounting of KPIs and payroll based on them was introduced. Automatic generation of final management reports in all areas of activity - P&L, CF, Balance - was developed.
Application for payment of funds
Full information about all payment requests is stored, and the fact of payment for the request is automatically established. Automatic control of budget balances and
a unified payment procedure.
Budget planning
We have implemented cost allocation by divisions based on the level of sales plans. Payment requests are monitored against the planned amounts. Automatic generation of expense budgets based on planned sales has been implemented. Based on this, planning bases are automatically generated.
Results of ABM Finance implementation
Qualitative changes
A single comprehensive information database has been created
There has been a significant reduction in planning time
Improved quality of information received
Management is able to use fair management reporting
It is now possible to control an objective and transparent picture of the business state
Full control over budget execution and automatic reporting were obtained

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