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A chain of Japanese cuisine restaurants with democratic prices and high standards. It has 22 restaurants in 5 cities of Ukraine and provides more than 1500 jobs. The first sushi school in Ukraine was opened on the basis of Sushiya.
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Need for a unified methodology for budget management and management accounting
Lack of a unified accounting system leads to duplication of data in different systems
Summarised consolidated accounts and budgets are done manually in Excel
Insufficient operational information on the main KPIs
Need to automate the payment reconciliation process
Need for automation of limit control

Project progress

ABM Finance experts developed a new architecture. It made it possible to radically reduce the number of information databases, data exchanges and Excel files, replacing them with a single system. After the architecture was approved, a detailed plan for the transition from "as is" to "as needed" was presented.

Development of management accounting and budgeting methodology

First of all, we optimised the composition of management items (Cash Flow Budget and Income and Expenditure Budget items). After all, they are the basis for both the development of management business transactions and the structure of P&L and CashFlow reports.
After that we developed a management accounting policy, which described the standards: accrual periods for income/expense items, rules of accounting for gift certificates and accounting for the movement of inventory. A management chart of accounts was also developed.
Based on the developed methodology, the techniques of P&L and CashFlow formation were updated and the first Management Balance Sheet was created.

Implementation of operational accounting

Automated the order scheme of movement between warehouses, warehouse accounting and production process. Exchange mechanisms with the front office system have been implemented. Centralised data entry of prices, discounts, promotions, gift certificates with subsequent transfer to the front office systems has been automated. A block for planning master schedules by restaurant was also implemented.
A lot of reporting forms for accounting contours were developed, and individual rights and interfaces for different users were set up in the system.

Implementation of accounting and tax accounting

Within the framework of the module implementation the standard functionality of the configuration "Trade Enterprise Management for Ukraine" was used with minimal modifications of the system. The system is promptly updated for new releases and allows to keep reporting forms up to date.

Implementation of personnel accounting and payroll accounting

To automate personnel accounting, the standard functionality of Trade Enterprise Management was used with modifications for the specifics of the company. A mechanism for obtaining timesheets with a breakdown into day, night and holiday shifts was implemented to record the actual time worked by staff.

Implementation of management accounting

The translation of data from the system to the chart of accounts was performed according to the rules that were developed during the methodology phase. After the Management Facts were collected, a number of procedures were set up to allocate expenses: paper products, sushi workers' salaries, marketing, central office, etc. The reporting configured in a certain way allowed to show these expenses both in the context of the central office departments and in the P&L structure of the restaurant. Thus, it was possible to automatically generate P&L and CashFlow reports in the system.

Introduction of budget planning

Planning proformas are set up for such budgets: marketing, sales, investments in new restaurants, product purchases, restaurant operating expenses. The budgets of the central office divisions are formed separately. After all budgets are entered and agreed, they are automatically consolidated into final forms (P&L, CashFlow, Balance).

Implementation of an automated payment planning process

This block covered such tasks as automation of the business process of payment reconciliation and generation of payment orders and cash vouchers.

Results of ABM Finance implementation

The project resulted in the implementation of a comprehensive information system for business management.

  • The following was updated: structure of the Financial Reporting Centre, management report forms, classifiers, management accounting rules, and management reporting
  • Regulations on: the company's financial structure, budgets, management accounting policies were developed
  • We managed to replace a large number of bases with a single ERP system
  • Regulated accounting reports significantly save time during the accounting period and minimise errors
  • Implementation of personnel accounting completely covers all tasks of personnel record keeping
  • Automatic generation of management reporting has been set up
  • Specialists of subdivisions independently control the fact of fulfilment of their budgets without involving financiers
  • Top management receives consolidated budgets both for groups of Financial Reporting Centres and for the company as a whole
  • Implemented qualitative plan-fact analysis in a unified system
  • Automated payment reconciliation process
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