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2 Nabiji Supermarket Chain Embarks on Strategic Partnership with ABM Cloud for Inventory Excellence

08 Jul 2024

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2 Nabiji Supermarket Chain Embarks on Strategic Partnership with ABM Cloud for Inventory Excellence

2 Nabiji, the renowned supermarket chain from Georgia, has announced a strategic partnership with ABM Cloud, a trusted leader in retail automation solutions. The collaboration aims to implement ABM Cloud’s advanced AI-based inventory optimization solution in the retailer’s chain to streamline stock management and boost sales. As one of the leaders in the retail market […]

Inventory in retail
Tegeta Motors, a leading distributor of auto parts in Georgia, optimises inventory with ABM Inventory

25 Jun 2024

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Tegeta Motors, a leading distributor of auto parts in Georgia, optimises inventory with ABM Inventory

ABM Cloud and the business group «Tegeta Motors», a leader in automotive products and services in Georgia, have started cooperation in the field of complex automation of inventory management. The main goal of the project is to optimize the assortment and stocks in the distributor’s warehouses using the ABM Inventory solution. «Tegeta Motors» distributes its […]

Inventory in retail
International Beverages Tashkent cooperates with ABM WMS!

04 Jun 2024

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International Beverages Tashkent cooperates with ABM WMS!

International Beverages Tashkent is the official bottler of PepsiCo in Uzbekistan for production of soft drinks of famous international brands Pepsi, Lipton, Adrenaline Rush, Mirinda, 7UP and Mountain Dew. ABM WMS implementation in IBT company started in December 2023 with the organization of raw materials warehouse and finished goods warehouse, the total area of which […]

Inventory System in the Construction Industry: Enhancements from Industry Giants

16 Apr 2024

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Inventory System in the Construction Industry: Enhancements from Industry Giants

Управління виробничими запасами та ланцюгами постачання в будівельній галузі – це важке завдання. Висока сезонність, нестабільний попит, складна логістика та багатоступінчаті ланцюги постачання – це лише декілька з проблем, які стоять перед керівництвом будівельних компаній. Розповідь про один із таких випадків – про клієнта, який зіткнувся з непростими завданнями управління запасами, може кинути світло на […]

Inventory in production
How BI analytics works and why businesses cannot do without it

12 Apr 2024

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How BI analytics works and why businesses cannot do without it

Modern business is gradually but inevitably being absorbed by the digital age. It is becoming risky to remain committed to archaic management tools, not only because of the loss of opportunities, but also because competitors are already taking full advantage of the benefits offered by global digitalisation. This idea also applies to the process of […]

Planning Route optimization for 3pl companies

11 Apr 2024

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Planning Route optimization for 3pl companies

3PL operators process thousands of orders from various client companies every day. Scheduling these orders manually can increase costs and delay deliveries. The best way to improve logistics efficiency is to optimize routes. Optimization with a TMS allows you to build the fastest, shortest, and most cost-effective routes for delivery.

Cloud-based TMS system for transportation management

10 Apr 2024

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Cloud-based TMS system for transportation management

Nowadays technologies are developing so drastically that continuous search of transportation management systems’ improvement ways has become the norm. Global trends show that most modern TMS software is based on cloud computing and the cloud-based TMS system for transportation management is becoming a must-have tool for logistics. This fact is explained by the availability and easy utilization […]

Deutsch-Pharm has reduced the number of selection errors by 99.99% with ABM WMS

03 Apr 2024

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Deutsch-Pharm has reduced the number of selection errors by 99.99% with ABM WMS

Deutsch-Pharm is a leading Ukrainian supplier of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and is actively developing a network of its own pharmacies. The company’s goal is to strengthen the healthcare system in Ukraine through engagement, cooperation and effective solutions in close partnership with local and global partners. The company’s product range includes about 5,000 active SKUs, […]

Completion of the ARS warehouse automation project

15 Mar 2024

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Completion of the ARS warehouse automation project

The construction supermarket chain ARS has 11 stores and holds a leading position in the retail market for construction and household goods.  The company’s product range includes about 78,000 active SKUs, and the warehouse area is more than 10,500 square meters of indoor and 20,000 square meters of outdoor space. Company strives to develop and […]

ABM WMS implementation in the Dollar Store chain of stores

14 Mar 2024

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ABM WMS implementation in the Dollar Store chain of stores

The chain of family and home goods stores «Everything from 1 UAH» has made a significant step in improving the efficiency of its warehouse processes by implementing the ABM WMS system. For more than 15 years of operation in western Ukraine, the company has grown significantly in the number and quality of stores, and its […]

How BI analytics works and why businesses cannot do without it

09 Feb 2024

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How BI analytics works and why businesses cannot do without it

Modern business is gradually but inevitably being absorbed by the digital age. It is becoming risky to remain committed to archaic management tools, not only because of the loss of opportunities, but also because competitors are already taking full advantage of the benefits offered by global digitalisation. This idea also applies to the process of […]

TOP 3 steps for effective change inventory management

03 Nov 2023

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TOP 3 steps for effective change inventory management

In today’s BANI world, where everything is changing and competition is at peak levels, it is important to “stay ahead of the game”. However, this is not always an easy task. One of the key tools for achieving competitiveness and economic sustainability is the implementation of technology and software. The real challenge is how fully […]

Inventory in production
Inventory Optimization in the Artistic Sphere through SaaS Solution

10 Oct 2023

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Inventory Optimization in the Artistic Sphere through SaaS Solution

Making art supplies might seem simple, but creating each drawing, palette, or brush involves a careful process that demands attention to detail and top-notch quality from the manufacturers. In the world of competitive creativity, this production is a key chain in delivering art to everyone around you, and the choice of high-quality materials is crucial […]

Inventory in production
Logistics management in the bread industry. Results of TMS implementation at «Concern Hlibprom»

05 Jun 2023

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Logistics management in the bread industry. Results of TMS implementation at «Concern Hlibprom»

Reducing logistics costs in the bread industry can be a catalyst for significant business growth. Companies in the bread industry typically have a large fleet of vehicles, which can be challenging to manage efficiently manually. This can lead to issues with timely control, meeting delivery windows, and excessive transportation expenses. Even if a company monitors […]

Automated freight transport with ABM Rinkai TMS

13 Apr 2023

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Automated freight transport with ABM Rinkai TMS

Automated freight transport with ABM Rinkai TMS allows the company to provide high-quality delivery services and save up to 25% on transportation costs. The feasibility of automating and optimizing cargo transportation for your company lies in answering the following questions: Every participant in the transportation services market has certainly thought about how to organize delivery […]


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